Cleveland Angels Connection
Did you know that 20,000 young people age out of foster care every year. 20% will experience homelessness within four years. That's 1 in 5. When we see a stat like this, we may ask ourselves, how does that happen? Why? Let's talk about it for a minute. I'd like to tell you about Lacie*. Lacie is an 18-year-old who aged out of care. She returned to what she knew, and went home to her mom. Only weeks later, Lacie ran away because she felt so unsafe there. Things that had led to her being removed into foster care had not changed at all. Were maybe worse. Lacie found herself in a shelter downtown. Now an 'adult', (though a very young one), she was housed with other adults. She sat in her room day after day, thinking about what she should do. She didn't have anyone to call, or to ask for help. A lack of consistent schooling had left her with no diploma, and not many options for working. When we connected with Lacie, she had no idea what her next step should be. Can you see how it might happen that a youth has no where to go? This is only one example of way too many. And so we think, isn't there something in place to support kids in that situation? Why isn't someone doing something about it? It's both difficult to understand, and to accept this is happening in our country. We care about our youth. We want to see them get a good education; to thrive as young adults. We want the best for them. But this reality is ongoing -- that year upon year, youth in foster care are emancipated from our overwhelmed child welfare system, and too many fall between the cracks. There are a lot of programs to help, actually. There can be planning before they leave care, there are scholarships, and non-profits with housing supports; there are government programs that can give them stipends if they work or go to school, even more. There is a lot out there. Let me ask you...if it were you, newly an adult, maybe one with fractured schooling from all of your moves to different foster homes in different districts, or maybe one with a learning disability that was never caught or treated, maybe one with intense PTSD from the trauma you suffered when you were younger and with mental health needs now...where would you start? Would you know what a healthy life should look like, or what your goals are? Would you be ready to call around, do research, advocate for yourself? To make a plan, to build a new life? I don't think that many of us would. I wouldn't. So despite resources and opportunity, 1 in FIVE are ending up homeless. Couch surfing. Just surviving. What makes a difference then, in a system that operates this way? That has so many caring professionals, yet so many outcomes that we cannot continue to accept? The answer to that -- is entirely unremarkable. The data, research and pure common sense has put the answer in front of us over and over again. Strong relationships are what can make the difference. A trusted person who can help guide; can love through bumps & bad decisions, and still be there on the other side to illuminate a path for that youth's self-empowerment and personal versions of success. Youth in care, and those leaving care, need a "Someone." This is what Cleveland Angels is -- a connector to all the 'someones' who want to step forward, and be there as a friend, advocate and mentor to youth in & after care. To let them know, they are worth our time and support. A community built up with & around those who may have none. Want to be a part of that? There are so many reasons to do it... For Lacie. For the 150 children & youth on our waitlist. For every youth in care, that could become that 1 in 5. Let's say NO to that, here in Cleveland. Join the solution and join our Angel Alliance to funnel support and relationships to our youth. Every bit matters. Help us #ChangeTheStats! *Name changed for privacy. AuthorApryl Rashid is the Program Director at Cleveland Angels. Comments are closed.
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